Bee Gees / Staying alive

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To: * Posted by:STU_M1CAMPBE@* (MELISSA A CAMPBELL) Date: Tue, 22 Feb 1994 01:09:44 GMT Here is the tab to “Stayin Alive.” The song is in the key of A flat, but all the Ds are played as natural instead of flattened. I have put the chords under the tab charts instead of over the lyrics. The chord changes appear to be few and far between; that is just because of the fast 4/4 tempo. By the way, could someone please, please, please post the tab to “Don t Stand So Close to Me” by the Police? Exceed your disk quo, Proceed to disco. 馃檪 “Stayin Alive” Intro: Well you can tell || |13| I 13|131513| I o 13151313|131513| I o 151515151315|131513| I 13|131313| by the way I use my walk, I m a wom|an s man; no time to talk get__ low and I get high, and if I |cant get either i real-ly * the || || 15131513131513|13| 1315131313151513|1513151515| 1515151513|151515| |161616| (Fm7) (Eb) (Fm) mus- ic loud and women warm, I ve been |kicked around since I– was born. wings of heav-en on my shoes, I m a |danc- in man and I just cant lose || 131313|| 131313131315|131313| 131313151313131515|13131313151515| 151515|131313151515| |161616| (Fm7) (Eb) (Fm) And now it s | all right, it s o k. And | you may look the other way. You know it s | all right, it s o k. I ll | live to see an- other day. ||| ||| 1313|1515131515|13151513171515| 15|1515151515|15151515151515| |1717171717|17171717171717| ||| (Bb7) We can try to understand the | New York Times ef-fect on man. || 131515131515|13151513161515| 131515131515|13151515171515| 1515151515151515|15151515151515| || || Whether you re a brother or whether you re a mother, you re stay | | 1313131313| 131313131315151513131313121212| 131313131317171715151515131313| 17171715151515131313| | (Fm7) in alive, stayin alive. | ————————- | ————————- | 13131312131313 | 15151513151515 | 15151513151515 | ————————- | Repeat the the above 2 lines (starting with “whether…” with these words: Feel the city breakin and ev rybody shakin , and we re | stay in alive, stayin alive. | (throw in an extra 12/13/13 during the word “shaking”) Ah ha ha ha | stayin alive, stayin alive | Ah ha ha ha | ||—————| 13||13| 13151312|1213131312131313|13151312| 13171513|1315151513151515|13171513| 171513|1315151513151515|171513| ||—————| stayin alive_|……..|………..|………..| (periods represent |||| holding of vocal 13|||| notes.) 13131313|151715|13 (whole |12 (whole)| 15151515|17|15notes)|13| 151515|18|15|13| |||| (Fm) (Eb/F) (Fm) (Cm7) ——– | 1. | well now | | ————————-|————————— | I | ————————-|————————— | O I 13—————-|——————-1315 | I 13151313|131315 | O I 151515151315|13151315 | I 13|131313————— | (Fm7) _____FIG B_________ ——– | | | 2. /* * * * * Figure A * * * * * Life goin no where | ||| | ||| 13—————|13|151513171513| 13151313|131315|1515151715| 151515151315|13151315|17171717| —————13|131313|| (Fm) (Bb7) Somebody help me…. Somebody help me, yeah. ————————–|| ————————–|13| 151513171513|1315121312| 1515151515|15131513| 17171717|————————-1513| __________________________|| Fig A | Fig B | (Fm7) | (Bb7) Life goin no where| Somebody help me, yeah | | | | | 13151315131513| | 1515————-| | 1717————-| | | Stayin alive………………. ———————————————–| Fig A 13———————————————| 1315121312| 15131513—————| 1513| ———————————————–| (Fm) repeat and fade. If anyone has questions or finds any mistakes, feel free to e-mail me at * Melissa

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