B B King / To know you is to love you

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Letra y acordes de The thrill is gone

(Lyric and music by Rick Darnell, Roy Hawkins)

, the thrill is gone away
The thrill is gone, the thrill is gone away
You done me wrong baby

and you re gonna be sorry someday

The thrill is gone, it s gone away from me
The thrill is gone, the thrill has gone away from me
Although I’ll still live on, but so lonely I ll be

The thrill is gone, it s gone away for good
Oh, the thrill is gone, baby it s gone away for good
 I know I ll be open armed baby, just like

I know a good man should

You know I’m free, free now baby, I’m free from your spell
Oh, I’m free, free, free, now, I’m free from your spell
And now that it’s all over, all I can do is wish you well

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